Strategies to Manage Hypertension in the Elderly


Hypertension is blood pressure that is higher than normal. Also called high blood pressure, it can cause complications when left unmanaged. Uncontrolled high blood pressure can lead to heart disease, metabolic syndrome, kidney problems, and more. As a provider of elderly care in Southaven, Mississippi, we will share strategies to manage hypertension in seniors:

  • Monitor blood pressure regularly.

    The key to reducing blood pressure is keeping track of it. A caregiver can assist in monitoring blood pressure by using a home blood pressure monitor to take daily or weekly measurements. Keep a journal to record the date and measurement to track changes over time.

  • Take medicines as prescribed.

    Your senior’s doctor may prescribe medication to control blood pressure. Be sure to follow the instructions, take the medicine on time, and don’t skip doses. In addition to homemaking, a home care aide can provide medication reminders to ensure adherence.

  • Maintain a healthy weight.

    Seniors who are overweight can lower their blood pressure by maintaining a healthy weight. This entails adjusting their eating habits and focusing on less fat and more whole foods. Maintaining a healthy weight also entails exercising regularly. Low-impact exercises can help seniors with limited mobility stay active.

  • Learn to manage stress.

    Our blood pressure rises when we feel stressed. Hence, seniors should pick up healthy ways to lower stress levels to reduce blood pressure. Seniors can benefit from meditation and relaxation exercises or take part in relaxing hobbies like reading or gardening.

Care and Assist is a leading home care provider offering a wide range of services that range from companionship to postoperative care. If you are interested in our services, feel free to reach out to us to arrange an assessment of your loved one’s home care needs.

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